

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So I went to enrichment tonight. Sad but I have to admit that I have not been to one activity for relief society since I got married. But on my mission to try and be better I deiced to go. It was so fun! The only way I can describe it is that I came away feeling enriched haha! The relief society program is there to strengthen women and to give relief and it did both for me tonight! We talked about meal planning and potting plants. I don't about you but when I go to these things I often feel inadequate! It seems that all the ladies are so on top of things! They have beautiful gardens which they grow all of their own food from, they can organize, their couponing and budgeting wizards, they each have their own highlighted and memorized version of babywise, the list goes on! But tonight as I listened and talked with the ladies I did not feel inadequate. Some of the ladies were older and experienced, others were young moms like me. I could not help but think how thankful I am that we have an organization in the church like this that we can share, learn and grow together!

Adding a little more to it

This conference weekend and past couple of days have been really good for me. I have learned a lot and I am thankful for the opportunity I have to improve and to put into action the things that I have learned. I came away from conference feeling like I am not living up to my potential I have so much more that I can give and do. This did not make me feel bad or down on myself, because I also know that my Heavenly Father will help me and that He loves me. He wants me to be what He knows I can be. So I am starting now! I started this blog as a fun way to record my pictures and memories. I don't scrap book, I journal here and there but I am not good at either. Blogging seemed like a fun way to do both, and it has been. However I think I can add a little more to it. I am not sure who said it, but one of the speakers in conference (maybe Pres. Uchtdorf) made a comment that we could blog and text our testimonies to the world. The idea is that we use or resources for good! Now I know that no one really reads my blog, and maybe it will just help strengthen me as I try to be better. But if someone should stumble upon my blog I want them to be uplifted. So along with posts all of the fun picture and memories from my life I am also going to try and share the things I am thankful for and that touch me and inspire me to be a better person.

For starters. The other day a put Kaitlyn down for a nap and started into my routine of cleaning. I was not excited! My house was particullary dirty after the weekend. I started cleaning and headed into the bathroom to find Kaitlyns hand prints all over my bathroom mirror! As I took a moment and looked at her little hand prints I couln't help but think how much I love those little hands. I love being her mom and I hope that I can clean a million more of her hand pirnts off my mirror!